
Is The 12 Steps Program A Cult?

The 12 Steps has been around since the mid-1930s and is well known for its transformative powers; turning previously hopeless alcoholics and addicts into clean and sober upstanding members of the community. However, by a small minority, it has been labelled a cult. This label can dissuade desperate addicts and alcoholics from even trying the…

Finding The Best Rehabs

Top Tips For Finding the Best UK Rehabs

If you are struggling with an addiction or substance abuse problem and want help, then you may be looking at all your treatment options to see what is likely to work best. Making the decision to go to a drug or alcohol rehab is not always an easy one. For some, the costs involved are…


7 Top Tips To Prevent Relapse

7 Top Tips To Prevent Relapse Okay, so you’ve managed to stop the alcohol, drugs or the activity you became destructively addicted to. Now for the really hard part, maintaining your recovery and preventing relapse. The responsibility of maintaining your recovery is yours and yours alone, although asking for help and guidance is always recommended.
