Do I Need to Seek Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

Do I Need to Seek Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a pattern of problematic drinking that negatively impacts someone’s life. Understanding the signs and symptoms of addiction is essential if questioning whether to seek treatment for AUD. Knowing the warning signs can help with an informed decision about seeking professional help. Fortunately, there are resources available to help determine if…

Addiction Education: How to Talk to Your Family About Your Addiction

Addiction Education: How to Talk to Your Family About Your Addiction

Addiction is a complex subject to talk about, especially with family. Opening up about your experience can be intimidating and overwhelming. However, educating others about the reality of addiction and substance use disorder (SUD) helps reduce stigma. Through discussion, you can increase awareness, compassion, and understanding toward yourself and others struggling. Let’s go over some…

mental health professional - adapting to life after drug rehab

What to do after drug rehab?

Adjusting to life after completing rehab and addiction treatment can be difficult, but that’s not to say that maintaining sobriety is impossible. In fact, if you follow the steps listed below, you can lead a rich and fulfilling lifestyle. Here are some handy tips on how to completely own life after rehab! Keep up with…

It's no secret that private rehab and drug treatment is expensive in the UK. While there are certainly free alternatives, securing a place in an NHS-funded residential rehab facility is highly competitive and becoming increasingly difficult. That, and the level of substance abuse treatment is inferior when compared to a private rehab treatment programme. As such, opting for private residential rehabilitation is arguably the best option. That said, how do you get funding for drug rehab if you are unable to afford it by yourself? In this article, we'll take you through a multitude of options, for your convenience.

How to get Funding for Drug Rehab

It’s no secret that private rehab and drug treatment is expensive in the UK. While there are certainly free alternatives, securing a place in an NHS-funded residential rehab facility is highly competitive and becoming increasingly difficult. That, and the level of substance abuse treatment is inferior when compared to a private rehab treatment programme, especially…
