Alcohol Dependence vs. Alcoholism

Alcohol Dependence vs. Alcoholism

While some may consider the labels “alcoholism” and “alcohol dependence” to be outdated, alcohol abuse may still be an issue that requires treatment.If you’re seeking a distinction between alcoholism and alcohol dependence, you might be surprised to learn that the two have more resemblance than differences. In reality, the medical world has gradually shifted away…

Drug abuse and the effects on the brain

Drug abuse and the effects on the brain

When you use legal or illicit substances in ways you shouldn’t, you’re engaging in drug abuse. You might take more pills than prescribed or use someone else’s prescription. You may take drugs to make you feel better, relieve stress, or escape reality. However, you can generally modify your bad habits or quit using them entirely.…

opioid addiction

Opioid addiction – symptoms and treatment

​ What are opioids? Opioids, sometimes known as narcotics, are a family of drugs recommended by doctors to relieve chronic or severe pain. They are used by people who have persistent headaches and backaches, patients recovering from surgery or experiencing severe pain from cancer, and adults and children who have been injured playing sports or…

weed addiction rehab today

Weed Addiction – Symptoms and Treatment

What is marijuana? Marijuana, also known as weed, pot, grass, bud, herb, ganja, and mary jane, is the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant.Marijuana has several components known as cannabinoids. Two of these components, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), have well-known effects on marijuana users. THC is known as the…