Codependency and Substance Abuse: What Is the Connection?

Codependency and Substance Abuse: What Is the Connection?

Codependency and substance abuse are two issues that are often linked together. But what exactly is the connection between these two issues, and how can both problems be addressed simultaneously? Learning more about the correlation can help individuals identify problematic behaviours and work towards successful treatment outcomes. What Is Codependency? Codependency can create a tangled…

The Benefits of Professional Help During Recovery

The Benefits of Professional Help During Recovery

Recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) can be a challenging experience, and many people struggle to transition from active addiction to sobriety without help. Establishing a positive relationship with an experienced and trusted professional can be vital in achieving success and improving the overall quality of life. With this support, individuals struggling with SUD can…

Balancing Relationships During Early Sobriety

Balancing Relationships During Early Sobriety

Finding sobriety is a huge accomplishment. But while the path to recovery can be a rewarding experience, there can also be obstacles. One of the biggest challenges is maintaining relationships with friends and family while seeking treatment or early in recovery. As you move through this journey, finding healthy ways to stay connected with those…

How Can Grounding Techniques Encourage Lasting Sobriety?

How Can Grounding Techniques Encourage Lasting Sobriety?

Addiction recovery is a lifelong process that requires individuals to develop and maintain new coping skills. Grounding techniques are a powerful tool for managing urges and overwhelming emotions that can make recovery challenging. By focusing on both external and internal sensations, grounding gives individuals a tangible, holistic focus during times of distress when unhelpful thoughts…

What Are the Stages of Recovery at PCP?

What Are the Stages of Recovery at PCP?

Individuals in active addiction experience physical and emotional effects which can significantly impact their lives. Fortunately, there is hope; recovery from addiction is possible with the right help and support. Treatment and Recovery Explained Treatment, the earliest stage of recovery, involves addressing underlying issues that may have contributed to the development of an addiction in…

Introduction to Daycare Rehab

Introduction to Daycare Rehab

Addiction is a complex illness, and many paths can lead to recovery. At the Perry Clayman Project (PCP), we understand the unique needs of our clients and strive to provide individualised care that meets their specific requirements. Our daycare rehab programme provides the structure and support necessary for clients to achieve long-term sobriety while maintaining…