Norfolk, Norwich - rehab centre

It is well-known that drug and alcohol addictions, including drug or alcohol addiction, is something that can have a seriously negative impact on people’s lives, leading to all manner of dangerous symptoms. These symptoms can lead to job loss, a difficulty in maintaining personal and professional relationships, deterioration of psychological and physical health, and more.

If either you or someone close to you is having trouble with substance abuse, then our drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich might just be the solution that you’ve been yearning for.

Our drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich also collaborates with the local drug behaviour change service, a confidential and free resource that offers support activities such as workshops and individual sessions for various populations, including offenders and their families.

On this page we will explore drug and alcohol addiction, the various short and long-term symptoms to watch out for, and how rehab in Norwich works.

For more information regarding our services, please read on. There are many addiction treatment services available which can help you to regain control over your life once more.

About Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is defined as being a chronic relapsing brain disease with a number of physical and psychological dependencies on substances such as drugs and alcohol. This affects the way that a person thinks, acts, and feels.

For many people who suffer from addiction, they are fully aware of their situation but feel hopeless and unable to stop the negative patterns of behaviour – especially when they do not have the appropriate support systems in place around them.

Please try to understand that addiction is a disease and thus shouldn’t be viewed as a sign of weakness of personal failing. If you or someone that you love is struggling, know that there is no shame in it. Drug and alcohol abuse is widespread in the UK right now, which means there are many other people out there who understand exactly what you are going for.

The good news is that there is alcohol and drug rehab available. This can help you combat your addiction and begin working toward your recovery.

Drug abuse is common in the United Kingdom,, largely due to how accessible many dangerous and addictive substances are. What may have started out as a bit of fun with friends can soon spiral out of control. The biggest problem with drug abuse is that after a long period of use, addicts build up a greater tolerance to their chosen substance. This then leads to the user having to consume even higher dosages in order to feel anything. It goes without saying that this is incredibly dangerous as it begins to rewire the chemistry of the brain, thus making it even more difficult to shake the habit! Here are some short and long term symptoms to watch out for…

withdrawal from drug abuse - handcuffs and baggie

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is common in the United Kingdom,, largely due to how accessible many dangerous and addictive substances are. What may have started out as a bit of fun with friends can soon spiral out of control. The biggest problem with drug abuse is that after a long period of use, addicts build up a greater tolerance to their chosen substance. This then leads to the user having to consume even higher dosages in order to feel anything. It goes without saying that this is incredibly dangerous as it begins to rewire the chemistry of the brain, thus making it even more difficult to shake the habit! Here are some short and long term symptoms to watch out for…

Short & Long Term Symptoms of Drug Addiction

Even over the short term, drug addiction can be dangerous. That said, it is long term addiction that can have a truly devastating impact on a person’s life.

If any of the following symptoms apply to you or someone that you care about, then it’s a pretty accurate sign of drug addiction. In this case, you should contact your local rehab clinic in Norwich for some free advice on how you can start working toward recovery.

  • Shallow breathing and shortness of breath
  • An elevated body temperature
  • A rapid heart rate
  • An increase in blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Slurred speech
  • A decrease in appetite
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability and short patience
  • Aggression
  • Angry outbursts at others
  • Lack of inhibition
  • Hallucinations
  • Severe kidney damage
  • Cirrhosis and damage to the liver
  • A wide variety of forms of cancer
  • Serious tooth decay
  • Skin damage
  • Infertility
  • Strokes
  • Seizures
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Lung issues
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Overdose and the possibility of death
  • A decline in cognitive abilities
  • Loss of memory
  • Chronic paranoia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis.

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol abuse is something that the United Kingdom has suffered with more many years. This is mainly because binge drinking has become a large part of British culture.

It is so easy to get your hands on alcohol, and even easier to lose control of your consumption!

Unfortunately, when heavy drinking is the norm for so many people, recognising the fact that you may have an addiction problem can be difficult.

Those who are suffering with their mental and physical health are often unaware that it is their alcoholism that is playing such a big role in their problems.

If you are struggling and want to be free of your alcohol addiction for good, one of our alcohol rehab clinics in Norwich can help!

Drinking alcohol can be fun, particularly when shared with friends, however, therein lies the danger. It is so easy to lose control and many people in the UK are struggling to limit their consumption.

Below we will list the short and long term symptoms of addiction. If you are frightened by the prospect of what long term drinking can do to your physical and psychological well-being, then please do not hesitate to contact us today for some free advice!

man with empty bottle and shot glasses - depression and alcoholism

Short & Long Term Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

Drinking alcohol can be fun, particularly when shared with friends, however, therein lies the danger. It is so easy to lose control and many people in the UK are struggling to limit their consumption.

Below we will list the short and long term symptoms of addiction. If you are frightened by the prospect of what long term drinking can do to your physical and psychological well-being, then please do not hesitate to contact us today for some free advice!

  • Slurring speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Having difficulty breathing
  • Distorted vision and hearing
  • Impaired judgment
  • Unconsciousness
  • Anaemia
  • Coma
  • Blackouts
  • Unintentional injuries such as car crash
  • Intentional injuries such as sexual assault and domestic violence
  • Increased work-related injuries and a loss of productivity
  • Increased problems with family and friends
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • High blood-pressure
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Sexual dysfunction problems
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Malnutrition
  • Cancer of the mouth and throat
  • Mental health issues.

Drug rehab Norwich(Norfolk)

Are you worried about your drug use and need professional help with your recovery? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us today. There are drug addiction treatments available which can help you regain control.

Whether you are struck using opioids or something less harmful such as Cannabis, we can tailor an addiction treatment programme to suit your individual circumstances.

We understand that being addicted to drugs can feel hopeless, but with a licenced team of professionals, our drug rehab in Norwich can guide you through your recovery and successfully help you achieve your individual goals.

Alcohol Rehab in Norwich

If you are worried about how much alcohol you are drinking and need help shaking the habit, we can tailor an alcohol abuse treatment for you. We understand how lonely and alienating it can feel when struggling with alcohol abuse, but you are not alone! There are support groups out there which can help you free yourself for good.

We offer a free callback service for those who are looking for some advice on substance abuse. One of our addiction counsellors will gladly have a discussion with you to explore your various options and help lighten the load.

how do drug or alcohol rehab programmes work - question mark

Drug and alcohol rehab Norwich - How does it work?

So, how does drugs or alcohol rehab work? What is involved in the process and can it really help you to make a full recovery? Read on if you’d like to find out more about how our rehab clinics work.

The recovery process from drug or alcohol addiction includes tailored treatment plans and various therapies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to healing.

Step 1 - Intake:

The very first step in the drug alcohol rehabilitation process in one of our Norwich Norfolk rehab centres is intake.

The admissions process refers to the initial assessment with our highly trained medical support staff and addiction specialists in order to gain a better understanding your unique circumstances, specific needs, and the underlying causes.

They will pay close attention to your living situation, any of the underlying mental health problems that you might be suffering with, what your physical health is like, and then prescribe a personalised treatment programme to you.

Step 2 - Drug alcohol detox:

Once you have been issued with your treatment programme and processed into the alcohol and drug addiction treatment centre in Norwich, you will then have to go through a medically assisted detoxification process.

This is when your body is finally cleansed of the harmful substances that you have been using. Following that, your rehabilitation can begin.

Alcohol and drug detox can be dangerous. This all depends on the overall severity of your addiction. However, don’t panic as you will be in safe hands. The detox will be carried out under the supervision of medical professionals who can monitor your vitals while ensuring that you get through the painful withdrawal symptoms as comfortably as is possible.

Step 3 - Long term treatment efforts:

Once successfully cleansed, the individual and group therapy sessions begin. Depending on your recovery plan, you will have to take part in a variety of different psychotherapeutic treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, group and family therapy sessions, and motivational therapy (to name a few).

These treatments are designed to help you come to terms with your addiction and better understand your mental health. For example, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) helps you identify mental triggers that lead to substance abuse while teaching you how to recognise and cope with them for relapse prevention.

With a deeper understanding of your own mental health, including any past traumas that may have lead to your addiction, you will be in a far better position to combat your addiction and make a full recovery.

Step 4 - Recovery and aftercare:

How long you stay at our residential rehab in Norwich depends on a number of factors. For example: the severity of your alcohol and drug addiction, how long you have been using, and the rehab treatment you have been prescribed. In any case, the average stay can vary anywhere between 30 and 90-days in most rehab centres.

Once you have been successful in working through your residential rehab treatment, your treatment provider will start working on an aftercare plan for you. This will ensure that even after having left the alcohol and drug rehab facility, you continue with the rehab process and maintain your sobriety.

An aftercare plan can include anything from speaking with addiction counsellors regularly, checking in with medical professionals, taking part in group therapy with support groups, and structuring your day to day routine with healthy habits.

Contact us for free rehabilitation advice

Whether you decide on inpatient rehab or you feel like outpatient treatment will be more suitable for you, do not hesitate to contact us today. With a free callback service, one of our addiction specialists can talk you through your drug and alcohol rehab options in greater detail and advise your accordingly on how to get sober.

We understand that the thought of leaving your friends and family to stay in a rehab facility can be frightening, but we assure you that you will be in the safest hands. That, and you can remain in contact with family members throughout your residential treatment, for additional support.

So, if you want to explore your options further and find out more about residential rehab in one of our rehab clinics, we invite you to get in touch.

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What We Do

At Rehab Today (PCP) we offer all of our clients a safe and confidential alcohol detox across all of our trusted residential centres. Our alcohol detox treatments are thoroughly regulated by the Care Quality Commission and delivered by our experienced in-house doctors and nurses. Using evidence-based research and years of experience, we tailor your alcohol detox treatment personally to you and guide you on your path to sobriety.

How We Can Help

Alcoholics feel hopeless, no matter how much they want to stop. However, it is possible to stop and to stay stopped, and even enjoy the process. Our team of professionals have helped thousands of different people like you, who are struggling to recover from active alcohol addiction.

We are ready to help you overcome this deadly disease; are you ready to begin the recovery process and reconnect with your life and the old “you”?

We have a number of programs for people with alcohol use disorder and will do everything in our power to guide you through the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and help you take back control of your life.

Why Choose Us

We operate some of the UK’s leading drug and alcohol rehab centres and have been successfully treating people and their addictions for over 15-years. We treat our clients with the highest level of respect and dignity. At Rehab Today (PCP) we pride ourselves in providing a safe, comfortable, and judgement-free environment for you to receive your alcohol detox treatment.

That, and few people understand with symptoms of alcohol withdrawal than those who have had an alcohol use disorder themselves. Many of our medically trained staff have been a patient in an alcohol detox program and can speak from personal experience of just how difficult it is – and just how amazing it feels to be free of addiction.

If you decide to tackle your addiction with us you will have access to a wealth of resources. From free advice on how to start on your journey to recovery, to medication, care from medically trained professionals, and support groups with other people who understand exactly what you are going through.

How to Get Help

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Ready to tackle your alcohol addiction? If so then getting professional help is the first real step to overcoming your problem and starting your journey to recovery. Please do not hesitate to use the live chat function to get in touch with a member of our team or contact us via telephone for immediate support and admission. Call today on 0800 0380 480. We have a number of friendly and professional staff waiting on standby 24/7