PCP – The Perry Clayman Project can help you heal from alcoholism. Getting treatment for alcohol abuse is vital. However, alcohol abuse can have varying warning signs. Many of these are often hidden from loved ones, which makes it difficult to feel sure that you or your loved one are struggling with alcoholism. Fortunately, knowing the warning signs of alcoholism can help you to address your struggles with alcohol before they become severe enough to derail your life. 

Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Your Life

Alcohol abuse has a significant impact on your brain and body. It impacts how your brain functions, which results in changes in brain communication. As a result, alcohol abuse disrupts mood, behaviours, thinking, and problem-solving. Additionally, alcohol abuse has both short-term and long-term impacts on your physical health. Therefore, seeing the warning signs of alcoholism can help you protect your mental health, capacity, and physical health both now and in the future. 

Warning Signs of Alcoholism

There are a variety of warning signs of alcoholism. They vary from easily detectable signs to hidden ones that you may only see when you really look for them. Additionally, the signs can show varying severity of alcoholism, and mild alcoholism can be easily overlooked. However, detecting alcohol abuse early on is important, and it will help you to seek assistance before your alcohol abuse creates chaos in your life. 

Due to the varying signs of alcoholism and the fact that alcohol is a commonly used substance, there is no definite way to know if you are struggling with alcoholism. However, early warning signs of alcoholism include:

  • Irritability and mood swings that have increased with alcohol use
  • Internally or externally making excuses to have a drink
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Blackouts due to drinking
  • Drinking instead of taking care of other responsibilities 
  • Increasingly becoming isolated from loved ones due to drinking
  • Hiding your drinking habits from others
  • Shifting who you spend time with in order to drink more
  • Feeling hungover or physical discomfort when not drinking 
  • Engaging in high-risk behaviours when drinking
  • Feeling annoyed when someone comments on your drinking
  • Thought you should drink less and then continue to drink the same or more
  • Drinking alcohol first thing in the morning 

Individualised Signs of Alcoholism

If you think of a person who abuses alcohol as someone who has lost everything, living on the street and drinking all day, you are not alone. However, this image of alcohol abuse is not the full picture. Early signs of alcoholism are often subtle. While some individuals with alcoholism fit this picture, there are individualised signs that you are struggling with alcohol abuse.

Remember that warning signs of alcohol abuse take into account the amount you drink, the frequency of drinking alcohol, and how it is impacting your life. You need to take into account your personal history with alcohol, your mental health, and how you interact with alcohol on a regular basis.

If you are still uncertain whether you do or do not see the signs of alcoholism, that is okay. Seeking help from a professional is often the most effective way to know. There are multiple diagnostic tests that can help you to see the signs of alcoholism in your life more clearly. At PCP – The Perry Clayman Project, you can get help in understanding if your relationship with alcohol is putting your mental and physical health in jeopardy.

Getting Help When You See the Signs of Alcoholism

Mild alcohol abuse can become dangerous over time. The early signs of alcoholism should not be ignored. Therefore, it is important that when you identify the signs, you get help. However, taking the first step towards treatment can be challenging. It requires that you recognise the signs and have the courage to acknowledge that you need help in making changes in your life.

However, when you see that you are abusing alcohol and are seeing the early signs of alcoholism, you can take the first steps. In doing so, you prevent yourself from the dangers of long-term alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse impacts your personal and professional life negatively and can leave you without a job, community, and good health. By getting help early, you prevent the rapid progression that often occurs and give yourself the opportunity to have a healthier and happier life.

Alcoholism Treatment at PCP

PCP – The Perry Clayman Project offers a full range of treatments for alcoholism. This includes alcohol detox, which helps to address physical dependency. It is the safest way to withdraw from alcohol, even when you are only seeing warning signs of alcoholism.  Medication is often used to manage withdrawal symptoms; however, your individual case will vary. 

While alcohol detox is an important part of treatment, alcohol addiction rehab is also important. Through treatment, you will address aspects of your life that are impacting your alcohol abuse. As a result, it helps you build skills that are important in your ability to manage alcoholism throughout your life. 

Alcohol abuse can have varying warning signs, with some people hiding it from loved ones and ranging from mild to severe. If you are uncertain about your interactions with alcohol, and if you are struggling with alcoholism or not, call PCP – The Perry Clayman Project at 08000 380 480 to learn how we can help you to see your situation more clearly and get the help you need to heal and move forward.