Healing from addiction is a process that takes time and hard work. However, with effective addiction treatment, you can heal physically and learn how to live a sober life that is sustainable for you. Addiction treatment at The Perry Clayman Project is individualised and works. While the misconceptions about addiction and addiction treatment may cause confusion, we can help clear up what will work to help you heal and move forward.

Misconceptions About Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex disease. One of the primary misconceptions about addiction and addiction treatment is that it is all about willpower. This misconception can lead people to believe that addiction treatment is about finding willpower. However, this belief is far from the truth. Addiction is a disease that rewires the brain. This creates intense cravings that can take over your life, leading to you prioritising drugs and alcohol over everything else. 

Simplifying addiction can also lead to misconceptions about what addiction treatment means. You may think that addiction treatment is a one-stop shop, and after treatment, everything can go back to normal. However, this is false due to the complexity of addiction and how it uniquely impacts each person. 

Finally, many believe that addiction is the same for every person. In reality, your experience with addiction is unique. The root cause of your struggle with substances and your story is yours alone. This is also true of addiction treatment. It is a unique combination of treatments that help you to find a path away from addiction. While it may take some time, you can find your way into a better and substance-free life. 

Effective Addiction Treatment

Stopping using drugs or alcohol is the first step in effective addiction treatment. However, after you stop using drugs or alcohol, it is a long and complex process. Effective recovery from addiction requires detox, modifying your behaviour, and addressing the whole person.


Drug and alcohol addiction rewires your brain. It takes your reward system that has in the past helped you to do healthy behaviours like eating, sleeping, and building relationships, and uses it to create cravings for drugs or alcohol. This chemical dependence makes stopping using drugs and alcohol a complicated process. 

At The Perry Clayman Project, you can go through drug or alcohol detox with our help. This involves having round-the-clock support for the entire process. It can also include medications. These medications can help decrease detox symptoms and ease the process of healing physically from the effects of addiction in the brain. Detox is the start of a life without drugs or alcohol and is a good fit for you if you are struggling with addiction or substance abuse. 

In order to achieve long-term recovery from addiction, detox is vital. This is because once you have gone through detox, your brain and body will begin to heal. Only then can you start to think more clearly and understand the effects that drugs and alcohol have had on your life. 

Modifying Behavior

While addiction rewires the brain, your behaviour also needs to be adjusted in order to recover. When you are struggling with addiction, you may form certain habits or norms in your behaviour that perpetuates or encourages your use of drugs and alcohol. Things like the people you hang out with, to how you manage stress can both play a role in your substance use.

Environments or situations you spend time in can trigger an automatic response. Before bed, you walk into the bathroom and likely automatically begin to brush your teeth. These kinds of habitual actions need to be adjusted. Learning new ways to react in situations and what to avoid is an important part of addiction treatment.

Other kinds of behaviour modifications include aspects of your life that impact your ability to stay sober. Maintaining your health, mentally and physically, through self-care is an example. Having good self-care habits helps you stay sober. During addiction treatment, you will learn what behaviours have impacted your drug and alcohol use and how to modify them to help you move forward during treatment and after.

Addressing the Whole Person​

Drugs and alcohol addiction impacts your whole life. As addiction rewires your brain, it influences the decisions you make, your relationships, and almost every part of your daily life. When you are prioritising substance abuse, your work and home life will suffer.

Effective addiction treatment is based on the understanding that your entire life plays a role in addiction and is impacted by addiction. As a result, it is important to address you as a whole person in treatment. At The Perry Clayman Project, your treatment will address every part of your life. It will be unique to the challenges and intricacies that you experience. 

When you go through effective, individualised treatment that addresses you as a whole person, you are more likely to be successful in recovery. This is because you will understand your root causes. Additionally, you will have worked through the challenges you face. With a counsellor, you will learn tools that you can use when you meet these issues after treatment. Thus, you are more likely to have the tools and support for you to maintain sobriety after treatment. 

There are many misconceptions about addiction and addiction treatment. At The Perry Clayman Project, we base treatment on the facts. To learn more about addiction treatment, call us today at 08000 380 480.